About this video:
Taking proper care of your business is like taking care of a plant
Example: Plant that got neglected vs a well taken care of plant
Neglected plant: thought I should get a new one
Neglected business: thinks they should get a new one
What’s the difference between the two?
How does that translate to a barbering business
Bad soil - Bad quality of service: no clientele will grow
Not enough water - no client acquisition system: business can’t grow
Not enough sunlight - no tracking or ways to improve: same clients, low pay
Lack of consistent care - no good work ethic: gets lazy/complacent- bad thinking
Too small of a pot - poor war chest/cash reserves: bad spending habits
Doing the wrong things without growth: thinks they should go up in price
If you have a neglected business and want to get help growing your business, book a call and let’s see if it’s a good fit to work together
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Hey everyone, Daniel Contreras (@dlucs_) here founder of The New Era Of Barbering. And on today's video, I want to talk a little bit about this idea of thinking in pockets. Now, why do I think this is important for barbers or just really any business owner to implement? Especially barbers is because it's something I went through myself as a young barber. I think I just over-thought way too much about my future because I didn't know. I knew early on, I didn't want to be selling my soul cutting hair for like 14 hour days and just worrying about getting more volume of haircuts. I just knew early on. That's not what I wanted my life to be like. And I even knew I didn't want to cut hair forever. Yet it was the only thing I knew how to do. So it was kind of like this weird space with that I would get into where, you know, I don't know, I want to do this thing forever, but I don't know how to do anything else. And, you know, I think it's, you can really get yourself stuck in a really poor way of thinking or just like stuck in this mind. And like this redundant cycle of just worry and stress and anxiety day in and day out, not really enjoying what you're doing and also not really getting any progress too, because you don't want to, for me, at least I didn't want to work on my building my business or work on improving it because I knew it wasn't something I was going to do. Long-Term so I think logically, I was just like, what the hell is the point of this thing? Like, I'm not going to do this forever. Why should I even put in the effort yet to actually get to the next thing and like the next path and your journey, I guess in, in your life, unless you want to be a bar perfect.You don't want to be barred forever. You're going to be doing something next. Right. and to get to that place you, you do have to take care and, and craft the business and take it up to his max level. You can't like be stuck in like this limbo phase. And, and this just idea really helped me out. Just thinking of, you know, my, I guess my business career, not just like, as a bar, but overall throughout my life as pockets and time. A really good principle, a really good quote that I could at least, I guess, give a little bit more clarity on this too, is like if you're worried you probably should need to worry at all. Right. But if you,And if you aren't worried, yeah.You probably should start worrying. Right. And that's kind of like weird to think about, but if you just come to one eye for a second, you know, if you're worried, you don't need to worry. So that means like, you know, typically an individual. Well, if they're worried about going to overthink about it, they're thinking about keeping up at night, you know, waking up thinking about this issue. It's like always on their mind and they're kind of like trying to set their lives up to avoid this thing. You know, somebody who's just like really mentally like, like overcautious with things, right? Like almost like a germ-free right. Think of somebody like that, where they just, they, they always like sanitize their hands and, you know, they have OCD about, you know, germs coming into their house. It's like, you kind of need to chill a little bit.Right. But you also can't be on the other side of that radar. And like, you know, just like messy and like gab rats running around your place. Like you need to find a good middle ground. And actually that was posted by what's his name? Ray dilo. He he's, he writes, he has a book named principles, which really good book. But he posted that. Right, right. When the pandemic hit and lockdown, it happened and I'm not gonna lie. Like even, even that quote right there helped me out a lot because, you know, if I wasn't really worried to be quite honest at first, I was like, ah, well, I don't really know this what's going to happen with this. I don't know. You know, I don't know. Don't remember if this thing's real. And I just thought to myself, I might be a little bit too loose and carefree with this thing.I should probably get a little more locked down and just, and just take it actual care of myself and making sure I'm staying safe. And, you know, the people who were like in the hazmat suits and everything like that, they probably need to take a little bit of a chill pill. Right. So that's like a physical example of this, but, you know, thinking in the pockets of time, going back to the top again a lot of, at least for myself, a lot of w I, I, I think I always had like an idea of where I wanted to get to like, like many people, you have an overall goal of what you want your life to be like, you have no real goals, like eventually how you want to be living on a day-to-day basis. And that's a goal because it hasn't happened as of yet, if it has phenomenal, this probably won't help you out at all.But if it hasn't in your kind of overstressing this and I think for myself and for a lot of individuals who you, you understand, you're not there yet. The thing that you're doing probably won't get you to that space. And so you just start to like really overstress, you know, what you're doing. And like, as it's the right thing to do, logically doesn't make sense, but that's not really like how, again, to how pockets and time work. And you should just focus on being good at that thing right now, select for Barbara. I talk about a lot about this. I really didn't start getting the progress to then get myself into now what I'm doing, which is running the new era of barbering, which is helping barbers who are stuck at that four to five K Mark, 10 K Mark, to be able to double and triple their income.I wouldn't have been able to do that and help other borrowers get those same results if I wasn't able to do that myself. Right. Which is it's, it makes sense when you kind of put it that way, but, you know, I was so stuck. And so I guess mindfuck is the best way to describe it because I, I didn't want to improve the business to get the, to get to where I'm at right now. Yeah. That's what we're, that's what it required, required me to do. And you know, that's, that's kinda how everything is even the new air barbering doc or a new era barbering is kind of in that same mold right now. Is it going to get me to like that ultimate place? Maybe, maybe, maybe not. But I also know to get here the ultimate place, I've taken care of business where I'm at currently. Right. I have to ensure, like I give all my customers and students in the program, the best chance to succeed. I really have to build this thing properly and really not be lazy about it. Right. because, you know, let's say I am lazy. I don't really care about customer, student success. I don't really care about my customers. I don't really care about helping them out. And I just, you know, kind of just do my thing or whatever, and don't really have any discipline on this,Whatever I wantTo do next, that, that, you know, this, this vehicle is going to end at some point in time. And at some point in time, there's going to be a transition to go into the next little pocket of time, whatever that may be. And I'm, I'm, I might just be stuck in this pocket. I might just be like, you know, going around in circles, not really getting to the end destination. And really there is always an end destination or at least should be in a pocket of time. Right. Because at the end of the day, I mean, we're all gonna die. That, that, I mean, if you wanna think about your life is just a pocket of time and then what you want to do career-wise or just like miniature pockets. And in between those miniature pockets, there's transition points, right. I've had one going from barbering to now running newer from cutting hair barbering to running the new Arab barbering.com.And there was a transition point in there maybe. I mean, for most of you've maybe been on my channel, you kind of saw that, right. I wasn't really active on social media. I was like learning and that's how kind of pockets go. You learn to how to transition yourself into this next thing after you've set yourself up properly. So you don't have to worry about, you know, life in general. And then, you know, you're going to have a pocket of time once you've learned and mastered that to like really make that next thing. And that next vehicle actually gets you the destination to then make that transition, to take a step up and things right now, this isn't something that like, I just, I guess, made up. It's just something I observed. And I recently watched a documentary, a really great documentary called the defiant ones.It's about Dr. Dre and Jimmy IB. And I sometimes don't watch a lot of like Netflix or stuff like that, or even some documentaries I really don't enjoy because there's just some really bad information. It's kind of cheesy, but this is a really good one. I also really enjoyed what's it called the last dance. However, I think, especially as a business owner, you can't mix up sports with with, you know, how to run a business. Cause they're kind of two different things. The mentalities might be in like somewhere alone in terms of like winning in terms of like motivated. But you know, sports has an off season business, never has an off season. You wake up and you go to sleep and there's no off time. Like as a business owner, you're always pretty much on. And so sometimes I don't like to watch the documentary stuff like that, to get an understanding how to run a business or how it looks like, but this documentary, if you haven't watched it, I highly recommend it.I mean, you could see how somebody like Dr. Dre and Jimmy, I've been two individuals run into in like these different pockets of time throughout their life. And eventually they make a $3.2 billion deal with Apple. Now it's not like at maybe like when they first started out, like in terms of like productory, when he was dis jockeying, he had an ambition to maybe make a billion dollars, right. Be worth a billion dollars, but it wasn't like he thought that maybe dis jocking was going to get him that billion. Right. But he had perfect what he was doing in that pocket of time to then, you know, be able to interact with individuals and actually make an impression on individuals like you know, people, the people we met to start NWA, I'm really blanking on their what's his name, Eze and, and ice cube.The doc, I almost blanked out everybody's name, but you know, and then even an NWA face that was a pocket of time, you know, he had to do something really great to take advantage of that opportunity, take advantage of that, that window to then get him to where he could gets a lot of respect, get accumulate, some cash flow, right. And then be able to start up his you know, get signed under Interscope. And that's where Jimmy I've been, Dr. Ray met so that he could start aftermath records and then, you know, go on to help guys like M and M 50 cent, the game, all these things. Then again too, after that, what kind of had its pocket, he then went into doing beats by Dre. But what was really fascinating about this is that you actually got to see each pocket of time and also each pocket of transition.And each time he didn't really know what he was going to do next. And I think that's some that, that's exactly how it goes. Like sometimes especially for myself, I try to, I sometimes overthink, I think individuals, people just overthink like, Aw man, what am I going to do? Next one, I go next. And instead of just taking care of what needs to be taken care of right now to actually get yourself into the position, to make that transition and have this new pocket of time and play at this new level, right. Ah, you don't need to like overthink barbering at all. I think once you get up to a good level, there is a second level for you to get up to maybe a third level. I talked about in a recent podcast as well too, sometimes, you know, you get to a good level in your business and you kind of fizzle out or you just get complacent, you get tired and you forget that you're just, this, this should just be a pocket of time, not a forever thing.And not like just going around in circles, but you know, you just have, give yourself almost like an ultimatum. I gave myself like a five-year period to like really take that thing to the max level before I moved on the next thing, you don't have to do the same thing, but at least have an idea. I think at least having an idea that this thing's going to end, it kind of kicks your into gear to do the proper things, right. Build the actual business, not be lazy stack up on the cash reserves, build the war chest, right. Build the business properly, learn the lessons they need to, and you won't like focus on doing the wrong things and the dumb things like I used to go out and party a ton. Right. And I kind of cleaned that up once I realized like, I'm just like running myself in a circle right now with this thing.I just cleaned up my act with that. And you know, because when you go into a moment of transition, right, let's say the pocket's done. You go into one more transition. You need space and time for that. Right. And that can't, you can't have space and time in a place where you're going to have bills. You can have rent, maybe have a family take care of, you know, you're gonna have to have, you're gonna have to have build up that war, chest, take care of all those things. So instead of overstressing about man, what am I going to do next? I need to go ahead, you know, build up or, or get out of the Barbara industries. Cause I need a better opportunity take care of what you need to take care of right now. It's what helped me the most, maybe, you know, this might be a very relative to a few individuals, maybe not an absolute rule for everybody.Of course not an absolute rule of like, if you're worrying, you don't need to worry. And if you aren't worried, you need to worry. But I think for a few individuals, this is like super helpful to at least start thinking about things a little bit differently again, too. I mean, it it's, it's almost like understanding that, you know, your time on earth or living is like very finite. Like there is an end to this thing. And you know, sometimes that's the most exhilarating truth to come and face. Because you actually get off like get up off your, go and do something you're not afraid of like making making something of your life. Right. So again too, this is kind of like what, at least the idea, especially of how I was running new era barbering and now continuing to run new air Barbie came about was, you know, I want to be able to get barbers at least something to be able to go from that four to 10 K per month Mark, and just at least be able to build the business up to eventually leave because I think we see a lot of individuals that stay in the industry, maybe a little bit too long for themselves.It's not the best thing for them to do, but they just kind of spin their wheels. And like I said before, like I've said prior is like, you know, it was kind of like this hamster wheel and it's not fun. And people kind of just settle and, and, and you know, maybe some individuals that aligns with them. I know for a lot of individuals in the barber industry, that's not exactly what you want to do. Probably that's not maybe what you wanted your life to be like, cause I know that's not what I wanted my life to be like. And so I just thought, well, I have these tools of, I know this process of, I know how to help individuals. I might as well go ahead and at least make this available to people who actually are serious about it. So if that's you, you know, you're making that four to 10 K per month Mark, and you know, again, to, you're serious about building your business, you actually want to get the growth.And you know, you're not afraid to actually put in the work to do it, right. It's not like we're just going to snap our fingers and the business is going to be built, but there is some work that has to be done with this. If that's you again too, I'll put a link down below where you can book a call too, and we can just chat. Right? We can see if you're a good fit for the program. Kind of break down. What's wrong with your business, the problems, if it's in a good place to start scaling, or if there's some things that you can do on your own right now, and at least have a game plan to maybe just do something different because a lot of times I didn't go, Barbara just need a different way of thinking about things instead of staying stuck, doing the same redundant actions over and over again and getting the same results.So again, too, if you want to book a call with me again, to the most that you have to lose just about 45, 60 minutes of your time, at the very least, you're going to get a, at least an understanding of direction of where things need to go out for you and just really clean up your thinking. And if you want to join the program, of course we can talk about that. But really only if you're a good fit, I want to make sure this is like a good decision for you as well, too. So again too, you can book a call through a link, must be like book, calm description. And hopefully this did bring you some value of like, again to maybe if you're not stressed or like over worried, maybe you're like, this thing, sink sucks. Right. But I think for a lot of individuals, like if you do over worry over stress about things, it can be a burden on yourself.You mean your life is just, isn't like that fun because you're always worried about the stamping. You're always like thinking about it, it's always on your mind. So it was like, what is he trying to have a fun time? Like you try to go enjoy life. And then something reminds you of this, of the reality you're living in. It's not enjoyable. So again, to just remember, like get out of that redundant cycle, thinking a pocket of time and not only thinking of pocket of time, but you know, take advantage of that pocket. You don't want to stay in that thing. Just kind of like running around in circles. You, you want to make this thing end, have a transition period so that you can start like this new pocket of things or whatever you want to do next to get you to that ultimate goal.And again, to like, I think I talked about this on the podcast too, but you shouldn't. I, in my opinion, I think sometimes when, when, when I thought about like my overall goal too specific, it almost, it almost acts against you. Right? Because you get too specific and if things don't go exactly as you should plan it to go, like, it's almost like another like analysis paralysis thing. Like you're like, Oh, it's not going perfect way. I didn't do this. Like it wasn't looking like this where I, you know, got this goal. It. It's all done. Right. And instead, try to switch your thinking to at least like having just an idea of a space you want to be in. And what I mean by space is like, I mean, it could be as easy as like, how do you want to feel about yourself, right.In terms of like, how confident, how comfortable you want to feel what, what is, what is it going to require for you to feel that way? What do you actually want to accomplish? Maybe not as like, you know, maybe you don't, you don't need to be into like, I don't know. I need to have like a world renowned, like tennis ball company. Right? Like that might be too specific, but it might just be as something as simple as like, I want to run a company that changes the world or want to build a company that really has a deep effect on people that makes a million dollars a year or maybe 5 million, $50 million per year. Right. Maybe just something in the millions, maybe something in the billions. Right. Just have an idea of what that's going to take. And then also understand that's going to require you.It's not going to be like who you are right now is going to achieve that. Like you really have to change and step up to that type of responsibility as well. Right. and that's why, you know, sometimes you can, I mean, at least for myself, I got really mind. So I'm like, Oh. I'm not going to be that way. I'm not that right now, my business isn't good. Like, I'll never be that way. It's like, look, just take care of what you need to take care of right now. That's like your North star, right? When you go into transition mode, that's when you can spend time thinking about what am I going to do? What is this thing? What's the next thing that's going to get me closer to this, but you know what? You chose what you chose. So you might as well make the most of it.And more times than not, it's you, you, you chose properly to be quite honest. You don't need to overstress about this is the wrong thing is just, you need to be doing the right actions to make it the right thing. Right. So again, too, if you enjoyed this video, make sure you give it a like and I look forward to actually making some more content as well, too. And again, too, if you want to book a call, you want to see if it's a good fit to join Elvin mentorship program and work with me inside of there to grow your business. Maybe you're at the four to 10 K per month, Mark, and you want to double or triple that with what we have in terms of systems and processes to help you allow to do that. Again, I'll leave a link down below and you can go ahead and book a call. Other than that, y'all appreciate you for watching and I'll talk you guys next time.
Daniel Contreras is spearheading the industry with his New Era model that helps overworked and undervalued barbers to work less and make more. His students are some of the fastest-growing barbers in the industry and he has helped them gain market dominance in their respected areas of business and online. If you're interested in getting out of the old traditional model of barbering and start your New Era journey, click the "FREE Demo Breakdown" button above to request a strategy session.